Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA)

Master's programme: Nature-based Tourism (M-REIS)
Suggested course combination: Natural resource management
Compulsory and suggested courses for students starting autumn 2015:
YearSemester5 ects10 ects15 ects20 ects25 ects30 ects
22017Spring parallelMASTER'S
January blockNATF200 - 5 ects
2016Autumn parallelREIS
August blockNATF300 - 5 ects
12016June blockREIS210 - 5 ects
Spring parallelBUS
January blockNATF260 - 5 ects
2015Autumn parallelINN
August blockREIS202 - 5 ects
Master's programme,
compulsory courses
Suggested course combination:
(Schedule conflicts between courses
have not been taken into account)

· Entrepreneurship

· Destination planning & development

Nature management

· Semester abroad - Alaska - spring

· Semester abroad - Alaska - autumn

· Semester abroad - New Zealand - spring

· Semester abroad - New Zealand - autumn

Students holding a bachelor degree in tourism do not have to take REIS200. LAA361 is recommended as a substitute.

AOS240 is mandatory for students that do not have equivalent knowledge in methods from their bachelor degree.

Students without background in ecology or natural resource management:
Choose minimum 10 credits in subjects with a natural science focus at level 100 or 200 among the following categories: BOT, ECOL, NATF, SKOG or ZOOL.

Choose at least one of the following method courses:
AOS340Qualitative Methods5 ects  Autumn parallel
ECOL300Methods in Natural Sciences5 ects  Spring parallel
STAT200Regression Analysis5 ects  January block
STAT340Applied methods in statistics10 ects  Spring parallel

Recommended optional courses:
EDS330Political Ecology10 ects  Spring parallel
JUS320Planning and Building Law5 ects  Spring parallel
LAA361Strategic landscape planning - module 110 ects  Autumn parallel
SKOG302Multiple Use of Forests10 ects  Autumn parallel

At least 30 ects at the 300-level must be taken. Please note that several courses require a certain level of previous knowledge.

Programme coordinator 2015: Fredman, Peter
Student advisor 2015: Arestøl, Espen

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Studieprogrammer ved MINA
studieåret 2015/2016:

  - B-FORNY Fornybar energi
  - B-MINA Miljø og naturressurser
  - B-SF Skogfag
  - B-ØN Økologi og naturforvaltning
  - M-FORNY Fornybar energi
  - M-MINA Miljø og naturressurser
  - M-REIS Naturbasert reiseliv
  - M-NF Naturforvaltning
  - M-RAD Radioøkologi
  - M-SF Skogfag
  - M-ECOL Økologi
This structure is only valid for the students starting autumn 2015. It is also possible to watch the structure for other year classes:
· Start of study 2025
  (Subject to change)
· Start of study 2024
· Start of study 2023
· Start of study 2022
· Start of study 2021
· Start of study 2020
· Start of study 2019
· Start of study 2018
· Start of study 2017
· Start of study 2016
★ Start of study 2015
· Start of study 2014
· Start of study 2013
· Start of study 2012
· Start of study 2011
· Start of study 2010
· Start of study 2009
· Start of study 2008
· Start of study 2007