Fakultet for miljøvitenskap og naturforvaltning (MINA)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA)


MINA offers education in the following courses in the study year 2024/2025.

 Course titleEngECTS    Teaching    
Courses in Botany:
BOT100 Plant Diversity5      S    Olsen, Siri Lie
BOT210 Fungi, lichens and bryophytes – ecology and species identification10  A        Olsen, Siri Lie
BOT270 Nature Mapping10  A        Klanderud, Kari
Courses in Ecology:
ECOL100 Introductory Ecology5      S    Steen, Ronny
ECOL200 General EcologyE10      S    Aschehoug, Erik
ECOL201 Ecology EssayE5      S    Aschehoug, Erik
ECOL302 Ecological ResearchE5           Chavarie, Louise
ECOL310 Global Change EcologyE5  A        Schowanek, Simon
ECOL330 Tropical Rainforest Ecology and ConservationE5  A        Haugaasen, Torbjørn
ECOL340 Exploring and Analyzing Data in Ecology and Natural Resource ManagementE5  A        Bischof, Richard
ECOL350 Restoration EcologyE5      S    Grytnes, John-Arvid
ECOL380 The Ecology and Management of Rivers and LakesE10      S    Schneider, Susanne
Courses in Environmental Chemestry and Ecotoxicology:
FMI210 Principal Environmental Toxicologye10      S    Brede, Dag Anders
FMI310 Environmental Pollutants and EcotoxicologyE10      S    Teien, Hans-Christian
FMI312 Environmental Exposures and Human HealthE10  A        Graff, Pål
Courses in Renewable Energy:
FORNY100 Energy, Environment and Society10  A        Martinsen, Thomas
FORNY150 Investment Analysis of Energy Projects5      S    Linnerud, Kristin
FORNY200 Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies10  A        Holden, Erling
FORNY210 Bioenergy - Technology and Value Chains5      S    Trømborg, Erik
FORNY220 Life Cycle Assessment - Environmental Impacts of Energy and Waste Systems10      S    Raadal, Hanne Lerche
FORNY230 Energy Markets and Policy5      S    Jåstad, Eirik Ogner
FORNY240 Energy Distribution and Storage SystemsE5      S    Adaramola, Muyiwa Samuel
FORNY260 Energy Use and Energy System AnalysisE5           Zeyringer, Marianne
FORNY300 Wind and Hydropower – Resources, Technology and Energy10  A        Holden, Erling
FORNY305 Solar Photovoltaic Energy SystemsE10      S    Adaramola, Muyiwa Samuel
FORNY310 Bioenergy - Markets and Sustainabilities5      S    Rørstad, Per Kr.
FORNY320 Sustainable Management of Resources in a Circular Economy5  A        Raadal, Hanne Lerche
FORNY360 Renewable Energy System AnalysisE10  A        Martinsen, Thomas
FORNY370 Internship in Renewable Energy10      S    Trømborg, Erik
Courses in Geology:
GEO100 Geology10  A        Huizenga, Jan Marten
GEO210 Quaternary Geology10      S    Henriksen, Mona
GEO220 HydrogeologyE10      S    Snilsberg, Petter
GEO250 Soil and Geology in the Landscape5           Henriksen, Mona
GEO300 Advanced Hydrogeologye10  A        French, Helen
GEO310 Paleoenvironment and Climate Changee10  A        Pearce, Danni
GEO320 Hydrogeology - Field CourseE5           French, Helen
Courses in Soil:
JORD100 Soil Science5  A        Strand, Line Tau
JORD160 Introduction to Soil5           Eich-Greatorex, Susanne
JORD200 Soils in Natural Environments - Field and Laboratory CourseE10  A        Nemes, Attila
JORD210 Dynamic Modelling in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere SystemE10  A        Nemes, Attila
JORD212 Soil Analysis5      S    Almås, Åsgeir R.
JORD213 Chemical and Physical Soil AnalysisE5           Almås, Åsgeir R.
JORD230 Soil as Plant Growth Medium15  A        Sogn, Trine Aulstad
JORD231 Fertilisations Planning and Precision Agriculture5           Sogn, Trine Aulstad
JORD310 Soil pollution and sustainabilityE10      S    Almås, Åsgeir R.
JORD330 Soil Health and Sustainable Soil Managemente10  A        Eich-Greatorex, Susanne
Courses in Inorganic Chemistry and Radio Chemistry:
KJM120 Inorganic Chemistry10      S    Sønstebø, Jørn Henrik
KJM220 Water Chemistry10  A        Teien, Hans-Christian
KJM240 Analytical Chemistry10  A        Gjengedal, Elin
KJM340 Instrumental Inorganic Analysis10  A        Gjengedal, Elin
Courses in Environmental Sciences:
MILJØ100 Introduction to Environmental Sciences10  A        Martinsen, Vegard
MILJØ200 Pollution and Environment10  A        Sogn, Trine Aulstad
MILJØ210 Biogeochemistry for Water Quality and Sewage ManagementE10  A        Vermaat, Jan
MILJØ300 Global Change of the Earth SystemE10      S    Dörsch, Peter
MILJØ302 Environmental Sciencese5           Haaland, Ståle
MILJØ370 Internship in Environmental Sciences10/15  A   S    Lind, Ole Christian
MILJØ410 Environmental RadiobiologyE5           Oughton, Deborah Helen
MILJØ415 Radiation protection for PhD-students and researchersE10  A        Skipperud, Lindis
Tverrfaglige og metodiske emner:
MINA250 Environmental Impact asessment10      S    Isdahl, Torgeir
MINA305 Remote Sensing in Forest and Natural Resource Managemente5  A        Ørka, Hans Ole
MINA310 Methods in Natural SciencesE5      S    Haugaasen, Torbjørn
MINA311 Social Science Research Methods in Nature-based Tourism, Outdoor Recreation and Natural Resource Management10      S    Stensland, Stian
MINA320 Interdisciplinarity and Expert Disagreement on Sustainability5  A        Anjum, Rani Lill
MINA321 Interdisciplinarity and Expert Disagreement on Sustainability - English OptionE5           Anjum, Rani Lill
MINA330 Project Economy for Renewable Energy snd Forestry10  A        Linnerud, Kristin
Courses in Management of Natural Resources:
NATF100 Introductory Nature Management10  A   S    Steen, Ronny
NATF200 Nature Conservation and Management in Norway5           Eldegard, Katrine
NATF230 Wildlife Biology and Management15  A        Loe, Leif Egil
NATF240 Fish Ecology and Management10      S    Haugen, Thrond
NATF300 Conservation BiologyE5  A        Schowanek, Simon
NATF301 Practical Nature Management5  A        Steen, Ronny
NATF302 Nature Management in Norway5           Støen, Ole-Gunnar
NATF320 Ecology and Management of Natural Resources in the TropicsE10      S    Moe, Stein R.
NATF330 Wildlife Management10  A        Loe, Leif Egil
NATF340 Management of Fish Communities10  A        Haugen, Thrond
NATF350 Human Wildlife InteractionsE5      S    Moe, Stein R.
NATF370 Internship in Ecology and Management of Natural Resources10      S    Steen, Ronny
Courses in Nuclear Science:
RAD210 Radioactivity and Radiation ProtectionE10  A        Skipperud, Lindis
RAD300 Decommission and Environmental RemediationE5           Oughton, Deborah Helen
RAD310 Radiochemistry and Analysis of RadionuclidesE10      S    Skipperud, Lindis
RAD320 Radionuclide Transport and Fate in the EnvironmentE10  A        Lind, Ole Christian
RAD325 Experimental radioecologyE5           Lind, Ole Christian
Courses in Nature-based Tourism:
REIS200 Tourism ManagementE5  A        Stensland, Stian
REIS202 Introduction to the Master Program in Nature-based Tourism15  A        Stensland, Stian
REIS210 Nature Interpretation5           Fredman, Peter
REIS300 Nature-based TourismE10  A        Aas, Øystein
REIS320 Visitor Management in Recreational and Protected Areas5      S    Aas, Øystein
REIS370 Internship in Nature-Based Tourism10      S    Aas, Øystein
Courses in Forest Management:
SKOG100 Forest Management10  A        Nybakken, Line
SKOG101 Forest and Wood Technology5           Baardsen, Sjur
SKOG102 Introduction to Forest Management5  A        Nybakken, Line
SKOG200 Forest Biology, Ecology and Production5      S    Asplund, Johan
SKOG201 Diseases and Pests on Trees5           Børja, Isabella
SKOG202 Ecological and Economical Significance of Insects and Fungi in Forests5  A        Krokene, Paal
SKOG205 Resourse Mapping and Inventory5      S    Bollandsås, Ole Martin
SKOG210 Forest Products - Markets and Wood Technology5      S    Nyrud, Anders Qvale
SKOG220 Treatment of Forest Stands10  A        Brunner, Andreas
SKOG230 Resource Economics and Planning in Forestry10      S    Kallio, Maarit
SKOG240 Forest Engineering and Logistics10      S    Hoffmann, Stephan
SKOG250 Forest Management - Interdisciplinary Analysis10           Bollandsås, Ole Martin
SKOG300 Forest Planning10  A        Rørstad, Per Kr.
SKOG302 Multifunctional Use and Planning of Forest Resources10  A        Trømborg, Erik
SKOG303 Silviculture and Forest Growth and Yield10  A        Brunner, Andreas
SKOG304 Forest EcologyE10      S    Nybakken, Line
SKOG305 Sampling-based Forest Inventory5  A        Næsset, Erik
SKOG340 Forest Engineering and Logistics II10  A        Fjeld, Dag
SKOG370 Internship in Forest Sciences10      S    Nyrud, Anders Qvale
Courses in Wood Science and Technology:
TRE200 Wood Technology I5           Vestøl, Geir Isak
TRE210 Timber Industry10  A        Nyrud, Anders Qvale
TRE300 Wood Technology10      S    Vestøl, Geir Isak
Courses in Limnology and Hydrology:
VANN200 Hydrology10      S    Kitterød, Nils-Otto
VANN210 Freshwater Ecology10  A        Rohrlack, Thomas
VANN211 Limnological Methodology5           Riise, Gunnhild
VANN220 Water Resources and Water Supply5      S    Riise, Gunnhild
VANN300 Water Pollutione10  A        Riise, Gunnhild
VANN310 Management and measures for freshwater bodiese10      S    Haaland, Ståle
Courses in Zoology:
ZOOL100 General Zoology5  A        Dale, Svein
ZOOL210 Vertebrates10      S    Steen, Ronny
ZOOL220 Entomology5      S    Jacobsen, Rannveig M.
ZOOL240 Insect Physiology and Ecology10  A        Jacobsen, Rannveig M.
ZOOL250 Behavioural Ecology10      S    Dale, Svein
ZOOL300 Insect Ecology and ResearchE10  A        Lunde, Lisa Fagerli
ZOOL310 Behavioural and Population EcologyE10  A        Chavarie, Louise
This view is only valid for the study year 2024/2025. It is possible to show the courses given in:

· Study year 2026/2027
(Subject to change)

· Study year 2025/2026
(Subject to change)

· Study year 2024/2025 *

· Study year 2023/2024

· Study year 2022/2023

· Study year 2021/2022

· Study year 2020/2021

· Study year 2019/2020

· Study year 2018/2019

· Study year 2017/2018

· Study year 2016/2017

· Study year 2015/2016

· Study year 2014/2015

· Study year 2013/2014

· Study year 2012/2013

· Study year 2011/2012

· Study year 2010/2011

· Study year 2009/2010

· Study year 2008/2009

· Study year 2007/2008

Number of courses: 123

The teaching language is indicatet i red; E English, e English if needed, otherwise Norwegian.

The study year is divided into five periods:

The teaching period of each course is indicated in the table above.
Black indicates courses given each year.
Grey indicates courses only given by assignment.
Green indicates courses given each second year, and given the present study year.
Red indicates courses given each second year, but not given the present study year.
