Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA)

Master's programme: Tropical Ecology and Management of Natural Resources (M-TEMNR)
Compulsory courses for students starting autumn 2006:

YearSemester5 ects10 ects15 ects20 ects25 ects30 ects
22008Spring parallelMASTER'S
January blockSpecial cyllabus *
2007Autumn parallelField work for
Master's thesis
August block 
12007June block 
Spring parallelECOL
January block 
2006Autumn parallelNATF
EDS **
August blockECOL250 - 5 ects
* The special cyllabus will be decided by the supervisor in collaboration with the student.
** Required only for students lacking a statistical background.
Master's programme,
compulsory courses

Possible elective courses:
Courses in natural sciences:
AKX252Introduction to Disease Control in Aquatic Populations5 ects  Spring parallel
BOT310Advanced Taxonomy of Plants10 ects  Autumn parallel
BOT350Pollination and Reproductive Ecology of Plants5 ects  Autumn parallel
ECOL300Scientific Methodology in Ecology and Management of Natural Resources5 ects  Spring parallel
ECOL310Global Change Ecology10 ects  Autumn parallel
ECOL380The Ecology and Management of Rivers and Lakes10 ects  Spring parallel
EDS250Agriculture and Development10 ects  Spring parallel
FMI310Environmental Pollutants and Ecotoxicology15 ects  Jan bl + spr p
JORD260Tropical Soils, Their Properties and Management5 ects  Spring parallel
LAØ370Landscape Ecology10 ects  Spring parallel
NATF300Conservation Biology5 ects  August block
PAE301Ecology of Farming and Food Systems5 ects  Spring parallel
ZOOL310Behavioural and Population Ecology10 ects  Autumn parallel
Couses in social sciences:
ECN251Development Economics - Micro5 ects  Spring parallel
ECN270Resource and Environmental Economics5 ects  Autumn parallel
ECN271Project Evaluation and Environmental Valuation10 ects  Spring parallel
ECN371Environmental Economics10 ects  Spring parallel
EDS240Economics for Environment and Development10 ects  Autumn parallel
EDS310Management of Natural Resources and the Environment15 ects  Spring parallel
EDS330Political Ecology10 ects  Spring parallel
EDS340Environmental Planning and Management10 ects  Spring parallel
EDS360Conflict and Development10 ects  Spring parallel
EDS370Gender and Development5 ects  January block

Note that several courses have prerequisites.

The students work with a 60 credits Master's thesis the second year of the program.

Programme coordinator 2006: Moe, Stein R.
Student advisor 2006: Arestøl, Espen

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Studieprogrammer ved MINA
studieåret 2006/2007:

  - B-SMI Skog, miljø og industri
  - B-ØN Økologi og naturforvaltning
  - M-NF Naturforvaltning
  - M-SF Skogfag
  - M-TEMNR Tropisk økologi og naturforvaltning
  - M-ECOL Økologi
This structure is only valid for the students starting autumn 2006. It is also possible to watch the structure for other year classes:
· Start of study 2007 (M-ECOL)
★ Start of study 2006