Year | Semester | 5 ects | 10 ects | 15 ects | 20 ects | 25 ects | 30 ects | | 2 | 2008 | Spring parallel | MASTER'S THESIS | January block | Special cyllabus * | 2007 | Autumn parallel | Field work for Master's thesis | August block | | | 1 | 2007 | June block | | Spring parallel | ECOL 350 | NATF 350 | | | | | January block | | 2006 | Autumn parallel | NATF 320 | EDS ** 220 | | August block | ECOL250 - 5 ects |
| | * The special cyllabus will be decided by the supervisor in collaboration with the student. | ** Required only for students lacking a statistical background. |
| | Master's programme, compulsory courses |
| Possible elective courses:Courses in natural sciences: | AKX252 | Introduction to Disease Control in Aquatic Populations | 5 ects | Spring parallel | BOT310 | Advanced Taxonomy of Plants | 10 ects | Autumn parallel | BOT350 | Pollination and Reproductive Ecology of Plants | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | ECOL300 | Scientific Methodology in Ecology and Management of Natural Resources | 5 ects | Spring parallel | ECOL310 | Global Change Ecology | 10 ects | Autumn parallel | ECOL380 | The Ecology and Management of Rivers and Lakes | 10 ects | Spring parallel | EDS250 | Agriculture and Development | 10 ects | Spring parallel | FMI310 | Environmental Pollutants and Ecotoxicology | 15 ects | Jan bl + spr p | JORD260 | Tropical Soils, Their Properties and Management | 5 ects | Spring parallel | LAØ370 | Landscape Ecology | 10 ects | Spring parallel | NATF300 | Conservation Biology | 5 ects | August block | PAE301 | Ecology of Farming and Food Systems | 5 ects | Spring parallel | ZOOL310 | Behavioural and Population Ecology | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
| Couses in social sciences: | ECN251 | Development Economics - Micro | 5 ects | Spring parallel | ECN270 | Resource and Environmental Economics | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | ECN271 | Project Evaluation and Environmental Valuation | 10 ects | Spring parallel | ECN371 | Environmental Economics | 10 ects | Spring parallel | EDS240 | Economics for Environment and Development | 10 ects | Autumn parallel | EDS310 | Management of Natural Resources and the Environment | 15 ects | Spring parallel | EDS330 | Political Ecology | 10 ects | Spring parallel | EDS340 | Environmental Planning and Management | 10 ects | Spring parallel | EDS360 | Conflict and Development | 10 ects | Spring parallel | EDS370 | Gender and Development | 5 ects | January block |
| Note that several courses have prerequisites. | The students work with a 60 credits Master's thesis the second year of the program. | Programme coordinator 2006: Moe, Stein R. | Student advisor 2006: Arestøl, Espen | Empty form |
Studieprogrammer ved MINA studieåret 2006/2007:
| Bachelorprogrammer | - B-SMI | Skog, miljø og industri | - B-ØN | Økologi og naturforvaltning | Masterprogrammer | - M-NF | Naturforvaltning | - M-SF | Skogfag | - M-TEMNR | Tropisk økologi og naturforvaltning | - M-ECOL | Økologi |
| | This structure is only valid for the students starting autumn 2006. It is also possible to watch the structure for other year classes: | · Start of study 2007 (M-ECOL) | ★ Start of study 2006 |