In this plan, the mandatory course BUS370 has been replaced with BMGT321 and MKTG304, and the course REIS300 with TOUR604 and RECN215. The courses at Lincoln University may vary from year to year. |
Students holding a bachelor degree in tourism do not have to take REIS200. LAA361 is recommended as a substitute. |
Compulsory for students without background in economy:BUS100 | Cost Accounting, Fundamentals | 5 ects | Aut p or spr p |
Students without background in biology or natural resource management must also choose at least 10 ects from the following courses:BOT100 | Plant Diversity | 5 ects | Spr p + June bl. | BOT210 | Bryophytes and Lichens - Floristics and Ecology | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | ECOL100 | Introductory Ecology | 5 ects | Spring parallel | ECOL110 | Tropical Ecology and Biology | 10 ects | Spring parallel | ECOL200 | General Ecology | 10 ects | Spring parallel | NATF240 | Ecology and Management of Freshwater Fish | 5 ects | Spring parallel | SKOG100 | Forest Management | 10 ects | Aug bl + aut p | SKOG102 | Introduction to Forest Management | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | ZOOL100 | General Zoology | 5 ects | Aut p + Jun bl | ZOOL210 | Vertebrates | 10 ects | Spr p + June bl. |
Recommended optional courses:APL241 | Environment and planning, part 2 | 5 ects | Spring parallel | APL330 | Planning Theory - Advanced Course | 10 ects | Autumn parallel | ECN110 | Introduction to Microeconomics | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | ECN260 | Agricultural Policy | 10 ects | Autumn parallel | EDS330 | Political Ecology | 10 ects | Spring parallel | EIE101 | Introduction to real estate I | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | JUS201 | Administrative law | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | JUS320 | Planning and Building Law | 5 ects | Spring parallel | LAA250 | Place Making and Local Development | 20 ects | Autumn parallel | LAA360 | Strategic Landscape Planning | 20 ects | Autumn parallel | LAA361 | Strategic landscape planning - module 1 | 10 ects | Autumn parallel | LAD102 | GIS - introduction | 5 ects | Autumn parallel | NATF260 | Environmental Impact asessment | 10 ects | Jan bl + spr p | SKOG302 | Multiple Use of Forests | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
At least 30 ects at the 300-level must be taken. Please note that several courses require a certain level of previous knowledge. |
Programme coordinator 2014: Stensland, Stian |
Student advisor 2014: Arestøl, Espen |
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