Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA)

Master's programme: Nature-based Development and Innovation (M-REIS)
Field of study: Nature Tourism
Compulsory courses for students starting autumn 2007:
YearSemester5 ects10 ects15 ects20 ects25 ects30 ects
22009Spring parallelMASTER'S
January block 
2008Autumn parallelBUS
August block 
12008June blockAOS220 - 5 ects
Spring parallelBUS
January blockNATF200 - 5 ects
2007Autumn parallelREIS
August blockREIS202 - 5 ects
Master's programme,
compulsory courses
Field of study,
compulsory courses

· Land Use

Nature Tourism

· Renewable Energy

Recommended optional courses:
AOS310Environmental Politics and Management10 ects  Spr p + June bl.
APL221Environmental and Social Impact Assessments5 ects  Autumn parallel
ECN260Agricultural Policy5 ects  Autumn parallel
ECN262Regional Economics and Regional Policy5 ects  January block
ECN360Agricultural Policy and Resource Management15 ects  Autumn parallel
FYS371Energy Technology10 ects  Autumn parallel
JUS320Law of Planning and Environment II10 ects  Aut p + spr p
JUS311Law of Real Property II15 ects  Spr p + aut p
NATF230Wildlife Biology and Management15 ects  Autumn parallel
NATF240Ecology and Management of Freshwater Fish5 ects  Spring parallel
NATF300Conservation Biology5 ects  August block
NATF330Wildlife Management10 ects  Autumn parallel
NATF340Management of Freshwater Fish10 ects  Autumn parallel
SKOG302Multiple Use of Forests10 ects  Autumn parallel
SKS300Forest Ecology10 ects  Spring parallel
EDS/APL/ECOL/INN/BUS/ECN/AOS-courses, several are actual.
Courses from the other fields of studies are also highly actual.

At least 30 ects at the 300-level must be taken. Please note that several courses require a certain level of previous knowledge.

Programme coordinator 2007: Hofstad, Ole

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Studieprogrammer ved MINA
studieåret 2007/2008:

  - B-SF Skogfag
  - B-ØN Økologi og naturforvaltning
  - M-REIS Utmarksbasert næringsutvikling
  - M-NF Naturforvaltning
  - M-SF Skogfag
  - M-ECOL Økologi
This structure is only valid for the students starting autumn 2007. It is also possible to watch the structure for other year classes:
· Start of study 2025
  (Subject to change)
· Start of study 2024
· Start of study 2023
· Start of study 2022
· Start of study 2021
· Start of study 2020
· Start of study 2019
· Start of study 2018
· Start of study 2017
· Start of study 2016
· Start of study 2015
· Start of study 2014
· Start of study 2013
· Start of study 2012
· Start of study 2011
· Start of study 2010
· Start of study 2009
· Start of study 2008
★ Start of study 2007