ECOL200 | General Ecology | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
ECOL310 | Global Change Ecology | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
ECOL380 | The Ecology and Management of Rivers and Lakes | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
FMI310 | Environmental Pollutants and Ecotoxicology | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
FMI312 | Environmental Exposures and Human Health | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
GEO300 | Advanced Hydrogeology | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
JORD200 | Soils in Natural Environments - Field and Laboratory Course | 10 ects | Aug bl + aut p |
JORD210 | Soil: GIS and Dynamic Modelling | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
JORD212 | Soil Analysis | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
JORD310 | Soil pollution and sustainability | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
MINA300 | Global Change of the Earth System | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
NATF340 | Management of Fish Communities | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
THT271 | Treatment of Water and Sewage: Basic course | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
THT280 | On-Site Wastewater Treatment - Planning, Design and Impact Assessment | 15 ects | Spring parallel |
THT291 | Solid Waste Handling and technology | 5 ects | Spring parallel |
THT310 | Treatment of Water and Wastewater: Advanced course | 15 ects | Autumn parallel |