Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA)

Master's programme: Nuclear and Environmental Sciences (M-RAMI)
Suggested course combination: Mountain repository
Compulsory and suggested courses for students starting autumn 2024:

YearSemester5 ects10 ects15 ects20 ects25 ects30 ects
22026Spring parallelMASTER'S
January blockMINA321
2025Autumn parallelMASTER'S
August block 
12025June block 
Spring parallelRAD
January blockRAD325
2024Autumn parallelRAD
August blockRAD300

Master's programme,
compulsory courses
Suggested course combination:
(Schedule conflicts between courses
have not been taken into account)

Mountain repository

· Ecotoxicology

· Analytical chemistry

Other recommended courses:
FMI210Principal Environmental Toxicology10 ects  Spring parallel
FMI310Environmental Pollutants and Ecotoxicology10 ects  Spring parallel
FMI312Environmental Exposures and Human Health10 ects  Autumn parallel
FORNY200Renewable Energy Sources and Technologies10 ects  Autumn parallel
GEO220Hydrogeology10 ects  Spring parallel
GEO300Advanced Hydrogeology10 ects  Autumn parallel
GEO320Hydrogeology - Field Course5 ects  June block
JUS201Administrative law5 ects  Autumn parallel
JUS220Environmental Governance and Law5 ects  Autumn parallel
KJM240Analytical Chemistry10 ects  Autumn parallel
KJM340Instrumental Inorganic Analysis10 ects  Aug bl + aut p
LNG250Academic Writing5 ects  Autumn parallel
MILJØ200Pollution and Environment10 ects  Autumn parallel
MILJØ370Internship in Environmental Sciences10/15 ects  Whole year
MINA310Methods in Natural Sciences5 ects  Spring parallel
RAD200Nuclear Industries, Facilities and Activities5 ects  Autumn parallel
RAD300Decommission and Environmental Remediation5 ects  August block
STIN300Statistical Programming in R5 ects  January block
STAT210Design of Experiments and Analysis of Variance5 ects  August block
VANN200Hydrology10 ects  Spring parallel
VANN220Water Resources and Water Supply5 ects  Spring parallel
VANN300Water Pollution10 ects  Autumn parallel

The students work with either a 45 or 60 credits Master's thesis.

Programme coordinator 2024: Henriksen, Mona
Student advisor 2024: Lægreid, Marte Lise

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Studieprogrammer ved MINA
studieåret 2024/2025:

  - GRUNN Grunnstudium
  - B-FORNY Fornybar energi
  - B-MILJØ Miljøvitenskap
  - B-RAMI Radioaktivitet og miljø
  - B-SF Skogfag
  - B-ØN Økologi og naturforvaltning
  - M-FORNY Fornybar energi
  - M-MILJØ Miljøvitenskap
  - M-RAMI Nukleær- og miljøvitenskap
  - M-REIS Naturbasert reiseliv
  - M-NF Naturforvaltning
  - M-SF Skogfag
  - M-ECOL Økologi
This structure is only valid for the students starting autumn 2024. It is also possible to watch the structure for other year classes:
· Start of study 2025
  (Subject to change)
★ Start of study 2024
· Start of study 2024 (M-MILJØ)