Year | Semester | 5 ects | 10 ects | 15 ects | 20 ects | 25 ects | 30 ects | | 2 | 2008 | Spring parallel | MASTER'S THESIS | January block | Special cyllabus * | 2007 | Autumn parallel | Field work for Master's thesis | August block | | | 1 | 2007 | June block | | Spring parallel | ECOL 350 | NATF 350 | | | | | January block | | 2006 | Autumn parallel | NATF 320 | EDS ** 220 | | August block | ECOL250 - 5 ects |
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* The special cyllabus will be decided by the supervisor in collaboration with the student. |
** Required only for students lacking a statistical background. |