BIO100 | Cell Biology | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
BIO210 | Molecular Biology | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
BOT130 | Introductory Plant Physiology | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
ECN110 | Introduction to Microeconomics | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
ECN170 | Environmental and Resource Economics | 5 ects | Spring parallel |
ECOL100 | Introductory Ecology | 5 ects | Spring parallel |
FORN200 | Energy Systems and Technologies | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
FORN220 | Life Cycle Assessment - Environmental Impacts of Energy and Waste Systems | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
FORN230 | Energy Policy and Markets | 5 ects | Spring parallel |
FYS161 | Meteorology and Climate | 5 ects | August block |
GMBB100 | Remote Sensing in Geomatics | 5 ects | January block |
GMGI102 | Geographical Information Systems, Basics | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
GMGI210 | Geographical Analysis and Modelling | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
JUS100 | Legal Method and Norwegian Legal System | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
KJB200 | Biochemistry | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
KJM110 | Organic Chemistry | 10 ects | Aug bl + aut p |
KJM230 | Physical Chemistry | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
KLIMA100 | Climate Change, Research and Societal Impacts | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
LAD100 | Introduction to Digital Tools in Landscape Architecture | 5 ects | January block |
LAD102 | GIS - introduction | 5 ects | Autumn parallel |
MATH111 | Calculus 1 | 10 ects | Autumn parallel |
NATF200 | Nature Conservation and Management in Norway | 5 ects | January block |
NATF240 | Ecology and Management of Freshwater Fish | 5 ects | Spring parallel |
STAT200 | Regression Analysis | 5 ects | January block |
THT271 | Treatment of Water and Sewage: Basic course | 10 ects | Spring parallel |
THT280 | On-Site Wastewater Treatment - Planning, Design and Impact Assessment | 15 ects | Spring parallel |